"Ainch, my babies!"
Here's to my amigas, Meek and Anne, and a wild ride through Andalucia.

By the Port of Malaga, where we danced along to the buskers' song.

Before the storm

The side tilt

Very good team

You talk, I take

The streets of Sevilla are lined with bright mandarins, left alone for they are known to be without taste.
Possible origin to the creation of marmalade.

The Malaga Cathedral peeks through

You take me and

I take you, Pokemon....

The streets of Malaga, lined with angelic sound from talent and passion

Un mitad - half milk, half coffee

Churros or porras? Your pick

Caminito del Rey was forgettable, but we got to meet Vicky and Yuen, and had Mala for dinner...

I appreciate the thought Meek